Lipid levels should be measured on fasting blood samples. Based on multiple studies, the following guidelines for blood lipid levels are recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program:
Total Cholesterol:
less than 200 mg/dl – desirable
200 – 239 mg/dl – borderline high – the risk of heart disease may increase two-fold
240 mg/dl and higher – high – the risk of heart disease is substantially increased
less than 200 mg/dl – normal
200 – 400 mg/dl – borderline high
400 – 1000 mg/dl – high
greater than 1000 mg/dl – very high
LDL Cholesterol:
less than two risk factors and no coronary heart disease
below 160 mg/dl
two or more risk factors and no coronary heart disease
below 130 mg/dl
high risk markers (diabetes, peripheral vascular disease)
below 100 mg/dl
coronary heart disease (prior heart attacks, angioplasty, or heart surgery)
below 70 mg/dl
HDL Cholesterol:
Women – over 40 mg/dl
Men – over 35 mg/dl
A more sophisticated subtype analysis of lipid levels is now commercially available and should be discussed with your physician for unusual clinical circumstances.